Crystals ~ Aragonite

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Aragonite is a common carbonate mineral. It is unfortunately often thought of as the poor cousin to CALCITE. But Aragonite is an interesting and attractive mineral in its own right. It forms interesting habits and can have a soft pretty colour. Its modes of formation and relationship to Calcite are both curious and intriguing.
Aragonite is one of the less well-known stones of the mineral family; many popular books on crystals don't mention it at all. Like all crystals, however, it has its own special gift for the family of humans.
This stone has a calming and stabilizing effect. This makes it very useful when one is going through emotional turmoil, such as anger and stress. It is believed to encourage patience, and is especially helpful when one feels overwhelmed with responsibility.
If you are in any of the above emotional states hold an Aragonite and gaze at it. As honey soothes sore and scratchy throats so aragonite can soothe frayed nerves.
As an aspect of its ability to help calm us it is also considered to be an excellent stone for encouraging a meditative state. Again, holding it can be very helpful. If you want to use it in a crystal layout the traditional place for it would be in the navel area. Also placed on the third eye can produce good results.
Astrological sign: CAPRICORN




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