Crystals ~ Obsidian

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Obsidian is probably the most challenging stone used in crystal work. It is actually volcanic glass and has been used by many native cultures to make knives. Like a knife, obsidian cuts to the heart of the matter, sometimes, it seems, without the use of anaesthesia.
This doesn't mean that you need to shrink in alarm from it. Obsidian is simply a stone to be worked with consciously and with respect.
If you feel your growth has stagnated and that it needs a jolt to get yourself moving again, there is no better stone to use. It will help to show you the layers of ego and identity which are blocking that growth. Though some of its information may be painful, it helps a great deal at such moments to realize that there is also much pain in self-deception.
Those of you who enjoy intense experiences will take your Obsidian unadulterated. Others can use stones to soften Obsidian's blade. These include Aventurine, Rose Quartz, and Chrysocolla. As members of the quartz family, the first two stones help to dissolve what Obsidian surfaces; Chrysocolla is a warm and nurturing stone which makes the truth easier to hear. Snowflake Obsidian also offers a softened version of this stone.

Obsidian and Scorpio
They share an affinity for the planet Pluto, considered by many to be the planet of transformation, of powerful change emerging from deep within. As Obsidian is dedicated to truth, so Scorpio is dedicated to honesty of feeling. It has been said of them that they would rather have any feeling, no matter how unpleasant, than none at all, and Obsidian is a particularly good stone for them to use.




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