Crystals ~ Turquoise

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Turquoise, the Sagittarian birthstone, is found in many parts of the world, including the United States, Iran, Africa, Tibet, and China.
In a number of cultures it's traditionally considered to be a bridge between earth and heaven. This makes it an ideal stone for Sag (imagine the Archer's arrow soaring into the air), since this sign tends to be more interested in matters of the mind and spirit than those which are material and practical. Sagittarians often like to be as interested in and involved in more things than other signs would find humanly possible. An unkind description of their mental processes would be "scattered."
At a certain point even the most stalwart Sag may become bewildered by the dazzling breath of his/her mental activities and might even feel lost, or at least notice that little of this activity is yielding material results.
This is where turquoise becomes invaluable. Turquoise helps to ground the wandering Sagittarians while keeping their connection to the infinite open.
In fact, some Native cultures held the belief that by wearing it the human mind becomes one with the universe.
Turquoise is also a stone of mental clarity and clear communication. It helps us to be clear on what we want, and to then be able to communicate our desires to others. This again helps Sagittarians when they have so many ideas and possibilities that they have difficulty in sorting out priorities.
While Sagittarians don't usually get as wired as their opposite sign, Gemini, their excitement over ideas can cause them to forget to touch earth, as noted above. Turquoise's energy, being both calming and stabilizing, is very helpful for this sign.




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